WIN empowers women to strengthen their financial position and participation in innovation by learning to invest and by investing together.
WIN lowers the barriers that hinder women's participation in investments by offering training, access to relevant investment opportunities, and a co-investment network.

Even in the Nordic countries, some of the most gender-equal nations, the male-female wealth gap is significant. In Norway, for example, women have 38% less wealth than men, partly because of their low participation in investment activities.
The low participation of women in investments is due to the lack of knowledge on how to invest, a lack of networks and of role models.
Most women require a sense of mastery before taking action: learning how to do something before doing it.
Women's motivations to invest go beyond achieving a return on investment. With a particular take on sustainability and social impact, traditional instruments are not attractive enough.
Women's financial circumstances are different: women around the world experience a pay-gap, contribute less to retirement and bear the burden of childcare's impact on their careers.

Why for women?
To achieve structural change,
we must do things differently.
WIN is a catalyzer of change with a Learn-to-Invest training program for women and a Network for women to invest together.