WIN Program Spring 2022
WIN and Kjeller Innovasjon invite all women to join this in-person evening course from 17:30-21:00 running for five Wednesdays, from April 20th, 2022, with only 25 spaces available. No previous experience is required.
The content is created and delivered by experts and industry leaders from our partners Nordea, Kvale Advokatfirma, and Kjeller Innovasjon. The 5-sessions program will include lectures and networking, with food and drinks.
20.04. Introduction to Investments
Camilla Andersson, CEO WIN.
Venue; Kjeller Innovasjon. 17:30-21:00
27.04. Investment Portfolios and Angel Investing
Angela Holter, Board leader WIN/ Managing Director Astia Angels. Venue; Kjeller Innovasjon.
04.05. Startup Investing
Håvard Lindvedt, Head of Strategy and Growth at Nordea.
Venue; Nordea Office, Essendrops gate 7, 0107 Oslo
11.05. The Legal Side of Investing
Anne Kjølseth Ekerholt (Partner, M&A International Corporate transactions), Susanne Hamre Skoglund (Tax specialist) and Janne Kaada Erichsen (M&A specialist), at Kvale Advokatfirma.
Venue; Kvale Advokatfirma DA, Hakon VII´s gate 10, 0161 Oslo.
18.05. Investing in deep tech startups
Nils Haga, Head of Incubator Kjeller Innovasjon.
Venue; Kongsberg Innovasjon, Kirkegårdsveien 45, 3616 Kongsberg.