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  • FemPower: Økonomimestring for personlig frihet
    FemPower: Økonomimestring for personlig frihet
    Multiple Dates
    ons. 19. mars
    FemPower er et program spesielt utviklet for unge kvinner som gir en solid forståelse av grunnleggende prinsipper innen personlig økonomi og utstyrer deg med verktøyene og selvtilliten du trenger for å ta kloke beslutninger som vil gagne deg resten av livet.
  • Tech Nordic Advocates -  Demo Day
    Tech Nordic Advocates -  Demo Day
    tor. 06. feb.
    Runway FBU
    Tech Nordic Advocates - Women in Tech Demo Day
  • WIN Community Q1-25 Get Together
    WIN Community Q1-25 Get Together
    tir. 14. jan.
    Frenchie's Frognerparken
    Join us for an evening of networking and community building at Frenchies Majorstuen.
  • Welcome to WIN's Spring Event
    Welcome to WIN's Spring Event
    ons. 22. mai
    Unlock Your Financial Future with WIN's Q2-2024 Event
  • New Year Networking Event
    New Year Networking Event
    tor. 25. jan.
    Atelie Art Space
    Join us for an evening of networking and hands-on learning about investments!
  • WIN Ventures I Christmas Dinner
    WIN Ventures I Christmas Dinner
    tor. 07. des.
    You're invited to our Julebord
  • WIN Network Autumn Event
    WIN Network Autumn Event
    tir. 17. okt.
    It's been too long! But we're back and would like to invite the WIN Network members and friends to an evening of networking, inspiration, and learning.
  • WIN Ventures I Launching Party
    WIN Ventures I Launching Party
    tor. 24. aug.
    The Factory
    The date to meet, greet and start our investment journey is finally here 🥳
  • International Women's Day Celebration
    International Women's Day Celebration
    tir. 28. feb.
    Join us to celebrate International Women's Day with an honest talk about the Psychology of Money.
  • WIN Julebord
    WIN Julebord
    ons. 30. nov.
    The time has come! Please join us at our last event of the year, the WIN Christmas party.
  • Investor Evening Q4-22
    Investor Evening Q4-22
    tor. 03. nov.
    EGGS Design (3rd Floor)
    An in-person Investor Evening with a Masterclass, startup pitching, and time to network and mingle.
  • Unge Kvinner - Learn to Invest program
    Unge Kvinner - Learn to Invest program
    tor. 27. okt.
    Sommerro Hotel
    The newest WIN Learn to Invest Program that will launch at the end of October 2022 in cooperation with Young sisters (daughters of Feddie Ocean Distillery investors) and is directed to women between 20 and 35 years of age. Register your interest.
  • Digital Startup Pitching Session
    Digital Startup Pitching Session
    ons. 19. okt.
    You are invited to a Digital Startup Pitching Session on Wednesday, October 19 where we will bring two exciting startups, Stack and Lyll, to your consideration.
  • Okida and The legal side of Investing
    Okida and The legal side of Investing
    ons. 11. mai
    Kvale Advokatfirma AS
    Velkommen til Investorpresentasjon fra grunder Evelina Olsson for Okida (tidligere Finanstipset) med etterfølgende presentasjoner om det juridiske ved investeringer presentert av Anne Kjølseth Ekerholt (Partner Kvale, M&A International Corporate transactions) Susanne Hamre Skoglund. Servering.
  • Investment Training program for Women
    Investment Training program for Women
    ons. 20. apr.
    Kjeller Innovasjon
    Learn to invest in startups training in collaboration with Kjeller Innovasjon for Women. Join our five-module course, learn from the experts, and meet other like-minded people in the WIN Network. The program will be conducted in Viken and Oslo over five Wednesdays from 17:30-21:00.
  • International Women's Day Celebration
    International Women's Day Celebration
    man. 07. mars
    Olivia Aker Brygge
    Save the date 7.03.22. Celebrating women's achievements and increasing visibility for International Womens day. Speakers Camilla Andersson ( CEO WIN) and Yrja Oftedal ( Host and producer Yrja Oftedahl) , Investment Opportunity with FXBL, and networking.
  • WIN Investor Breakfast
    WIN Investor Breakfast
    ons. 10. nov.
    Fredensborgveien 22
    Welcome to WINs Q4 Investor breakfast for two exciting start-up pitches!
  • RINGSIDE SEAT: Investing in Climate Sustainability
    RINGSIDE SEAT: Investing in Climate Sustainability
    ons. 29. sep.
    Kvale Law Firm
    The WIN event under Oslo Innovation Week 2021 will focus on Solutions for Climate. We will present ways to invest in a better world by putting your money where ROI is as important as climate impact while reducing risk by investing with others. The topic for the evening will be sustainability.
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